This Message focuses on Paul's Charge to Timothy to tell Certain People to quit Teaching Different Doctrine. As Christians we must Place our focus on the Essentials: 1 Timothy 1:1-4
1 Timothy 1:5-11 The Apostle Paul taught about Certain Men Swerving from the Faith and Teaching a Different Doctrine. How do we swerve in our Faith. We swerve when we lose our focus. When we are captivated by someone for something else.
1 Timothy 1:5-11 The Apostle Paul taught about Certain Men Swerving from the Faith and Teaching a Different Doctrine. How do we swerve in our Faith. We swerve when we lose our focus. When we are captivated by someone for something else.
There are two metaphors Paul uses in this section when it comes to our faith. Warfare and Shipwreck. How you handle warfare determines if you will dock or shipwreck. As a follower of Jesus, you must be a good soldier and a good captain.
After the 2024 Elections, many thought it was the end of our country. Fear was ramped. Social media was filled with hatred towards the candidates they did not like. How should Christians respond? We are to Pray for them, and those in high positions of authority. Why? God's desire is that all may come to repentance and be saved.
What is the role of the man in the church? What about the women? Is this a temporary or a timeless role? Throughout history this has been a sensitive and controversial subject. The important question is what does the Bible say? That is the basis of this teaching.
Elders are Called to Lead the church. What are the most important traits or skills one needs to have to become an overseer? Well. it is not skill, occupation, or business background, it is character.
Today, we unpack the Office of a Deacon. We also explore what that looks like practically for those who never take on the Office of a Deacon.
Christians sometimes blame other people or situations why they are not growing in their Faith. Many times they blame their church. "I am not being fed." However, in the end, you are responsible for your spiritual faith.
As a Leader in the Church, we must take personal inventory to gauge whether we are growing in our faith. The two most important factors revolve around what you teach and the witness of your life. Are you living a Godly Life?
The Apostle Paul instructs Timothy as a young leader, he must relate to each other differently. This includes older men, younger men, older women, younger women, and also widows that need church support.
For the Apostle Paul, it wasn't about who you were or what you did for a living. The common denominator is how you lived your life. How you represented the Gospel, whether you were a slave, a master, even an apostle. Wr must remember how we respond to people can be the difference of the Gospel being Attractive or Reviled.
In Timothy's Community, there were false teachers who taught that godliness equals financial gain. Paul told Timothy's the Opposite is true. Godliness with contentment. equals gain.
A believers confession to Follow Jesus is their Greatest Confession, one made before God the Father and Christ Jesus. When Life get's tough it is that confession those in Christ must always cling to in life.
The Roles of the Christian Household was Revolutionary when it was First Instituted back during the times of the New Testament. It leveled the playing field, and held everyone accountable in a patristic culture. Today, the roles are questioned, especially the idea of submission by the wife. The focus is explaining how having roles bring harmony to the home.
There are many Christians today that make you feel like you are missing something spiritually. They make you feel like they are at a higher spiritual level. But is this true? This message discusses this and correlates this to what was happening to the young Christians at Colossians church who were confronted with false teachers who claimed secret knowledge.
The First Chapter of Daniel Reveals the Babylonians Attempt to Recondition a Teenaged Daniel and his Three Companions from the Exile. Though Daniel is Willing to Take a Name Change and Learn the Arts of Divination; He takes a Stand and Draws the Line when it Comes to Defiling Himself with the Kings Food.
The Lord Speaks to Us in Various Ways. The Bible. Through the Inner Voice. Through Visions. Through Dreams. In this Message we Explore Dreams, and how the Lord uses them to Reveal Himself to not only God's People, but with People who are Not. We also discuss the features of dreams, including description, interpretation, and the connection of dreams with symbols.
There are three Parts of a Dream that are Essential. The Revelation. This is God's Perfect Communication. Actually being able to Describe Your Dreams. Best to Write Down. Secondly, the Actual Interpretation. This requires God to Provide the Interporetation. However, the Human Element can make interpretation wrong. Lastly, the Application. How do You Apply this in Your Life. In this phase Nebuchadnezzar Got it Wrong. Since there is a Human Element, so can We.
Pride Keeps us from God. Pride Keeps us from Growing Spiritually. Pride Keeps us from God's Blessings. Sometimes one's pride is so thick, the ONLY Way the Lord can Penetrate it is to Scare someone in a Dream. In Chapter 5, God has had Enough! He sends a Watcher to Issue a Decree from Heaven!
The Writing on the Wall is a Phrase coined from Daniel 5. It is a term that is Predictive, after making many bad decisions. Eventually, everyone can see this won't End Well. In Such was the case for Belshazzar, King of Babylon.
What is the Difference between Jealousy and Envy? How does this factor into the the story of Daniel and the Lion's Den? This will be the focus.
Daniel has a Bad Dream, one that's frightening. Four Beasts, the Last One Very Terrifying. However, the Lord Uses Dreams to Communicate with Us. This is important NOT only for Daniel, this is also for Us. We cannot forget that in the end, God's Kingdom will be the Last One Standing.
The Western Mindset dismisses angels, spirits, the devil and the supernatural. We live in a so called age of "Enlightenment." Even within the church, some denoinations dismiss the supernatural. However, the Biblical Worldview paints a different picture. Not only are there angels and spirits, but there are also regional principalities. In this talk, we get a taste that reveals how the spiritual realm influences the political realm.
The Good: The Fruit of a Scattered Church, The Bad: Having to Confront a Legend. The Ugly: A Bitter Separation
The Good: New Gentile Churches Established. The Bad: The Messenger and Gospel Disputed. The Ugly: The Reality of False Teachers
The Good: The Divine Presence of the Lord. The Bad: More False Teachers. The Ugly: Relational Strife
The Good: Turning the World Upside Down. The Bad: Confusion about the Return of Christ. The Ugly: Idle Christians
The Good: The Lord Comforts in Times of Need. The Bad: Lack of Love. The Ugly: Defiling the Lord's Supper
Scheduled for 9-24-2
Everyone goes though seasons of depression throughout their life, including those we consider to be spiritual giants. Yet the Lord models the process of restoration.
Everyone goes though seasons of depression throughout their life, including those we consider to be spiritual giants. Yet the Lord models the process of restoration.
Habakkuk could not understand why God allowed violence and wickedness to take place in the Southern Kingdom. Like many philosophers have wondered, If God exists, why does He allow it. This message explores this talk and invites us to compare it to what is happening to our country in 2020.
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
in this talk, we explore the theme and character in the first two chapter. In doing so, we reflect on whether God works in the lives of those who have no knowledge or desire to know Him.
Have you ever been overlooked when you deserved a promotion? Have you ever reached a point in your life where you have to make a decision but you're not sure if it is the right or wrong thing to do? There comes a point where you have reached a crossroads in your life and you have to choose.
In this Talk, Pastor Kene focuses on how God's providence and human pride intersects in the story of Esther and in our own lives. In the end, God can work through anything.
The seventh chapter of Haman is a defining one because it focuses on identity. Esther had experienced hiding her identity, having her identity taken, and had to come to a point to were she would reveal her true identity.
The message focuses on how God works thru Esther and Mordecai to grant the Jewish nation the ability to defend themselves. In the process, we learn that God is not silent; instead He is faithful to His promises. The same is true in our lives.
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