Mailing address:
7704 Radin Road
Waxhaw, NC 28173
The Baughman’s are Wycliffe Bible translators and are involved in translations of the Bible all over the world. Doug does a lot of traveling and coordination of the translation process. To learn more about the Baughmans, watch their video:
Mailing address:
PO Box 11
Nash, OK 73761
Keith and Heidi work in South American translating the Bible for the native people. They have been working diligently for the past 30 years.
Mailing address:
4072 Yeats Street
Orlanda, FL 32828
Steve and Rochelle currently work CRU recruiting, training and preparing new missionaries for field work. To learn more about their mission click here:
Nathan and Marissa are working with Wycliffe Bible and serving in Southeast Asia. They are working on translation work.
For contact information, please email
Thanks for a great Operation Christmas Child season. Join us next year by participating in this great ministry.
There will be several items you can select from that are ready for your shoebox(es); i.e., marbles in bags, princess wands, painted wood village sets, fabric book bags, sewing kits, fishing kits. These will be first come, first pick.
Reminder: No cash or checks should be in the boxes. All donations are sent to Boone, NC or through the website with a credit card. Pre-paid envelopes are available for donations. (Suggested $9.00/shoe box)
Another option is to go online and use Build a Shoebox.
You will pick you select a boy or girl and the age bracket for each shoebox. Then you can choose from several items to put in your shoebox. Voila, you are done, pretty simple and easy. If you have further questions, please ask Sandee Freemon,